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Python is a programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It is widely used for developing web applications, data analysis, artificial intelligence and automation. In this sense, Python is recognized for facilitating the creation and management of efficient code, integrating with the main reference technologies in the IT market.

Django is a web framework built to speed up the rapid development of web applications. It is known for having a robust and well-integrated structure with components and functionalities that facilitate administration, authentication, security and optimized data management. It allows the creation of efficient and secure web solutions and services.

Pandas is an open source library for Python, focused on data manipulation and analysis. It offers a set of data structures and tools for reading, processing and visualizing data. Widely used in data science, pandas is now undoubtedly a reference for creating solutions based on big data analytics.

JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used in web development and which enables the creation of interactive and dynamic user interfaces. It is a standard in the creation of modern web applications, as it supports various libraries and frameworks that make it an indispensable resource for materializing any project aimed at online exploration.

React is an open source JavaScript library created and made available by Meta (or Facebook), aimed at creating user interfaces. React is certainly the main standard for creating dynamic and responsive frontends, allowing the development of web solutions with excellent visual quality, interaction and high performance.

Titanium SDK is an open-source framework for developing native mobile applications. Based on the JavaScript language, it allows the generation of native code for iOS and Android. As a hybrid system, it has excellent performance levels, thus facilitating the creation and evolutionary management of multiplatform mobile applications.

Java is a software development technology known for its portability, robustness, security and performance. It is one of the most widely used in the development of enterprise, mobile (Android), web and IoT applications. Its execution in a portable virtual environment (JVM - Java Virtual Machine) ensures compatibility with multiple platforms and operating systems.

Flask is a web microframework, known mainly for its simplicity and flexibility. Ideal for small or medium-sized web applications, its base in Python technology allows it to be integrated with practically any other existing or emerging technology. Due to its great capacity for extension and integration, it is widely used to build APIs for interconnecting systems.

Odoo is an open source, integrated and modular business management system. It offers a wide range of applications, including CRM, accounting, inventory, e-commerce and human resources. It allows business processes to be centralized, improving efficiency and facilitating management through a unified interface. Based on Python, JavaScript and XML, it has great operational elasticity, making it suitable for companies of any size.

Scikit-learn is an open source library for Python, used in machine learning projects. It offers efficient functionalities for the analysis and modeling of predictive systems. It includes algorithms for classification, regression, clustering and dimensionality reduction, among many others. The richness of its analytical resources makes it possible to simplify complex analyses with a view to decision-making.

Power BI is a data analytics and business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft, which enables the collection, analysis, transformation and visualization of data. Its reports and interactive visual dashboards certainly help with operational control and strategic decision-making. Ideal for integrating various data sources and obtaining detailed insights.

Vue.js is an open source JavaScript framework, commonly used to build user interfaces in single page web applications (SPA). As one of the standards in the field, it also uses a model based on responsive components, allowing it to provide an agile development and application maintenance experience.

Docker is an open source technology that allows applications to be distributed and managed in exclusive and isolated virtual environments (containers"). Its use gives applications consistent operation in different operating environments and facilitates their distribution in the form of autonomous, integrated and scalable micro-services, guaranteeing the best optimization of computing resources.